Friday, May 23, 2008

Barefooting and sandal making

So I went for a barefoot run yesterday and have come to the conclusion that (A) having double jointed toes= a bad time running barefoot on concrete and (B) my left leg is shorter than my right. I spent most of college running barefoot but that was on the soft Kansas prairie and didn't destroy the bottom of my feet. This city barefootin' isn't very fun, it consists almost entirely of dodging tiny broken glass chards and feeling the concrete sand away the bottoms of your feet. So I'll be sticking to my nike free's for now until I can make a nice running sandal. I was thinking of something like what the Tarahumara Indians wear or something similar to ancient greeco/roman sandals. I still have to find a good base for the sandal though and I haven't figured out where to get leather straps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Tarahumara find a discarded car tire and cut it to fit the bottom of their feet. They use one leather thong. They cut a hole between the big toe and the next toe and another on each side of the arch. The thong is tied in a knot under the sole and between the toes. There is an art to tying that one strap so that it holds the sole to your feet. I lived with the Tarahumara for five years. They made me a pair. The knot wasn't real comfortable, but it was OK. I took a walk in mine. The walkway was a relatively dry river bed. When the knot got wet it came out of the hole and left it flopping. It took me a LONG time to get home with that one bare foot. Now mine are for showing only. Stick to your NIKES.